National Junior Honor Society

Contact: Mrs. Walker 251-221-2060

National Junior Honor Society

This is a service organization whose members are selected based on scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character.


A student's grade point average for the first two quarters of the year must be 88% or higher (no rounding up).  The student must have been enrolled at CMS for one full semester to be eligible.  Grades for all classes taken are averaged together.  All 7th and 8th grade students are eligible for review if they meet the grade and enrollment requirement.

Leadership, Service, Citizenship

Once a student has met the GPA and enrollment requirements, the student is given an activity form to complete.  The student must fill out all sections thoroughly and completely and return to the sponsor by the due date.  No late forms are accepted.  There are four sections on the form: co-curricular, leadership, community and other awards/recognition. Seventh and eighth graders must have two co-curricular activities, one leadership, one community, and one other award/recognition (in addition to Honor Roll). Receiving a form and/or filling out a form does not guarantee selection! A committee of teachers reviews the activity forms and discipline records/conduct/character rating forms; the committee and the sponsor make the final selection based on the information available. 


Teachers are asked to rate the students they teach in areas of conduct and character.  A rating scale is used: 1 Poor, 2 Fair, 3 Good, and 4 Excellent.  A student is automatically disqualified if given a "1" (Poor).  More than 2 Fair ratings automatically disqualifies a student.  The NJHS sponsor does not rate students but all other teachers do.  If necessary, the committee may also review team and office discipline records. 

Any suspensions (for any reason) on record while a student is at Causey Middle School will automatically disqualify a student from further consideration.

Parents of selected and non-selected students are notified by mail approximately one week prior to the induction ceremony.  Selected students are notified at school when they are "pinned" on the day of the induction ceremony.

NJHS officers